My first allergic reaction occurred when I was 6 years old at my friend’s birthday party after spending most of the time playing with her pet cat. Having never been exposed to animals nor experienced any sort of allergic reaction, the symptoms I experienced at that birthday party were not only alarming but also frightening.
Anaphylaxis is classified as a Type 1 allergic reaction (there are four classifications of allergies, read more and is the most serious type as the onset is rapid and can be life threatening. I was sent home with swollen-shut eyes, blocked nasal passage with limited breathing ability, swollen and itchy tongue and throat and hives all over my face and neck. Most parents would bring their child to emergency or administer antihistamines…not my parents. Growing up in a traditional Chinese household, my mother resorted to her traditional Chinese that involved herbal salves and non-pleasant tasting decoctions. After a long nap, I woke up with a minor stuffy nose and was able to go about my daily 6-year-old routine.
My allergies persisted into adult life, suffering from seasonal hay fever to food sensitivities but mainly skin hives. I sought help for my skin rashes from my GP who further referred me to a dermatologist. I was prescribed antihistamines and corticosteroids, after which some time my drug tolerance increased and I was taking 3-4 pills of Claritin / Reactin a day. Having received no long-tem relief with Conventional Medicine, I approached Complimentary Medicine with desperation and despair. Despite finding a quick solution to my skin allergies, my Alternative health path was a long one consisting of Naturopathic Medicine, Classical Homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine including Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs and NAET. Little did I know that my immune system was so compromised that it took longer than expected for my body to detox and boost my immune system. But I am very happy that I stuck with the process. I have been antihistamine free for 9 years and no longer have to carry them with me at all times. I am able to sit in a room with a cat without an anaphylaxis reaction I had when I was 6 years old. Last but not least, I have not broken out in skin hives in over 6 years.
Acupuncture and Allergies
Acupuncture, a modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the Meridian Theory where qi (pronounced “chee”) travels within our body’s meridians or channels just as blood travels within blood vessels. When our qi is blocked, illness and disease occur. Acupuncture needles are inserted in points all over the body to help unblock these stagnations and improve circulation. Similar to exercising where your heart rate elevates and the blood gets pumping, Acupuncture helps to circulate the qi within the body thus maintaining optimal health. Watch this video to learn more about how Acupuncture helps with allergies.
Video: Oriental Medicine Beats Allergies With Acupuncture
NAET and Allergies
NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique) is a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to eliminate allergies of all types using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture/acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine. A person with mild to moderate amount of allergies may take about 15-20 office visits to desensitize 15-20 food and environmental allergens. NAET can successfully eliminate adverse reactions to egg, milk, peanuts, penicillin, aspirin, mushrooms, shellfish, latex, grass, ragweed, flowers, perfume, animal dander, animal epithelial, make-up, chemicals, cigarette smoke, pathogens, heat, cold, other environmental agents. We now know that most illnesses (i.e. Headaches, back aches, joint pains, addiction, PMS, indigestion, cough, body aches, etc.) are caused by undiagnosed allergies. When left untreated, allergies can become serious life threatening illnesses.
Watch a video on how NAET treats Autism:
It is possible to live an allergy-free life! I would have never believed it unless I went through my own experience. Acupuncture coupled with NAET is an extremely effective treatment method. Stop suffering from allergies and begin your treatment plan today!